(1) Assists GSSR PhD students, faculty, and staff in international collaborative endeavors, exchange and mobility, administrative aspects of research applications (e.g. data management plans, budgets), and the recruitment of foreign scholars and students;
(2) Seeks international partners for, and facilitates the signing of, formal international collaborative agreements, including joint or dual PhD programs, with academic and research institutions in Europe and across the world.
(3) Monitors the creation and maintenance of curricula by foreign scholars who instruct PhD students at GSSR, and the activities of international collaborations of GSSR PhD students with academic organizations abroad. These activities organize the education process and include the coordination of funds to (a) incentivize completed and submitted applications for multi-institutional research project grant applications that establishes dual, joint or Cotutelle degrees; (b) faculty who develop and execute international certifications; and (c) faculty or program officers from institutions outside of GSSR involved in the joint project to travel to GSSR for internationalization activities. In addition it (d) oversees curricula development that leads to certificates
recognized by GSSR and partners abroad.
Mgr. Aleksandra Filipowicz ( is the ICO coordinator.
Funding for the ICO@GSSR comes from NAWA STER.