Call for Applications for PhD Students at Higher Education/Research Institutes outside Poland
Location: Wierzba, Poland
September 16 – 21, 2024
Application deadline: June 28, 2024
Main Themes of the GSSR Summer School 2024
The practical themes this year, with emphasis on advice to discipline-specific needs, are Academic Professionalization (with focus on Grant Writing) and Development of the Dissertation.
Academic professionalization is the process of becoming a good colleague and well-prepared scholar whose aim is to contribute academic knowledge, improve the research community at home and abroad, and share what we learn with society-at-large. Grant Writing is an important dimension of academic professionalization. For doctoral students, winning a grant matters on many levels: it facilitates research, it conveys your strong level of scientific independence – thus enhancing your employability – and it brings recognition to the host institution, among others. The purpose of the GSSR Summer School 2024 is to strengthen students’ grant writing skills, taking into account disciplinary expectations for successful proposals.
From idea to submission, the dissertation is a long and complex process that requires academic and organizational skills, and substantial expert feedback. In the Summer School 2024, faculty and other colleagues will discuss your doctoral dissertations, to help you address various issues regarding your research.
Since 1992, GSSR’s specialty is to encourage, facilitate, and create high-quality research. In keeping with this tradition, the Summer School 2024 features substantive lectures from faculty of our constituent institutes and prominent scholars from abroad on important topics in the humanities and social sciences.
We invite humanities and social science PhD students studying at Higher Education/Research Institutions outside Poland to apply for funding to participate in the GSSR Summer School 2024. GSSR organizes the roundtrip transportation Warsaw – Wierzba.
For more information see: Call for Applications
Summer school faculty include:
Randall Auxier, Philosophy, SIU Carbondale, USA
Ewa Domaradzka, Psychology, IP PAN, Poland
Magdalena Grabowska, Sociology, IFiS PAN, Poland
Adam Lipszyc, Philosophy, IFiS PAN, Poland
Rachel Lovell, Sociology, Case Western University, USA
Marcin Milkowski, Philosophy, IFiS PAN, Poland
Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, Sociology & Political Science, IFiS PAN and Ohio State University, USA
Przemyslaw Tomalski, Psychology, IP PAN, Poland
Irina Tomescu-Dubrow, Sociology, IFiS PAN, Poland
Adriana Zaharijević, Philosophy, U. of Belgrade, Serbia
Funding comes from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, NAWA (, STER, SIGro project (BPI/STE/2021/1/00030/U/00001), and the Polish Academy of Sciences, PAN.