We are delighted to announce that several members of the GSSR community, including students and faculty, have recently received prestigious grants for their research initiatives:

Zuzanna Molenda, PhD student pursuing her PhD in Psychology (from IP PAN), won a PRELUDIUM grant from Poland’s National Science Centrum, NCN, for the project Exploring the links between (maladaptive vs. adaptive) emotional beliefs and conspiracy theory endorsement and dissemination

Katarzyna Andrejuk, professor of IFiS PAN, won an OPUS grant from Poland’s National Science Centrum, NCN, for the project Multi-level Mobilization in the Face of Migration Challenges: A New Look at Civil Society

Łukasz Bola, assistant professor, IP PAN, won the ERC “Starting Grants” competition, with the project Language Processing in Blind Early Visual Cortex? Understanding Limits of Functional Plasticity in Human Brain” (BLINDBRAIN)

Krzysztof Niedziałkowski, professor of IFiS PAN, won an OPUS grant from Poland’s National Science Centrum, NCN, for the project Forests, Society and Democracy: Disputes over the Future of Forests in Poland in the Context of Climate Change and the Challenges of the European Green Deal

Piotr Osęka, professor of IPS PAN, won an OPUS grant from Poland’s National Science Centrum, NCN, for the project Career trajectories in the PRL security apparatus. A study of the social foundations of dictatorship
Congratulations to all the grant winners!