Congratulations to GSSR PhD students Paulina Bagrowska, Marta Chrustowicz, Małgorzata Krawczyk, Zuzanna Laudańska, Sena Nur Bilgin, Aleksandra Piejka and Patrycja Romaniuk – winners of the GSSR International Mobility Awards (GIMA)! Thanks to NAWA STER funding, our colleagues will conduct research visits at universities abroad.
Paulina Bagrowska is a 3rd year GSSR doctoral student in Psychology (IP PAN). She works in the Experimental Psychopathology Lab, where she conducts research on the mechanisms of paranoia-like thoughts and other psychotic-like experiences. As PI of a NCN Preludium grant, Paulina explores the psychophysiological aspects of sleep in non-clinical paranoia. Her NAWA GIMA research visit will be at the National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Marta Chrustowicz is a 3rd year GSSR doctoral student in Psychology (IP PAN). She is interested in using neuromodulation methods to improve social brain activity. Marta’s current project focuses on the impact of loneliness on neurophysiological correlates of social interaction processing and the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of top-down emotion regulation strategies via stimulation of the prefrontal areas. Marta is also a fan of music and handicraft – in her spare time, she paints, sings, learns to play the violin, and decorates furniture. Her NAWA GIMA research visit will be at Bangor University, UK.
Małgorzata Krawczyk is a 4th year GSSR doctoral student in Psychology (IP PAN). Her research focuses on the clinical aspects of social cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders. In 2019 she started her PhD project investigating neural correlates of social cognition disorders in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (NCN Poland, Preludium 2018/31/N/HS6/0375). Małgorzata will conduct the NAWA GIMA research at the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, University of Texas at Dallas, US.
Zuzanna Laudańska is a 3rd year GSSR doctoral student in Psychology (IP PAN). Zuzanna is a researcher at Babylab PAN, where she investigates the early development of motor-vocal coordination in infant-parent interactions, aiming to understand the dynamics of parent-child interactions from the theoretical perspective of complex dynamic systems. Her NAWA GIMA research visit will be at the University of Groningen, Netherlands.
Sena Nur Bilgin is a 2nd year GSSR doctoral student in Psychology (IP PAN). She is a member of the Clinical Neuroscience Laboratory led by dr. hab. Mateusz Gola. Currently, Sena is a research assistant in a NCN OPUS project led by dr. Tadeusz Kononowicz. This project aims to understand the brain mechanisms of selfmonitoring in both humans and rodents by using the concept of time perception, as it is still unknown which brain machines allow us to monitor our thoughts and actions. Sena’s NAWA GIMA research visit will be at the Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience, France.
Aleksandra Piejka is a 4th year GSSR doctoral student in Psychology (IP PAN), working at IP PAN’s Social Neuroscience Lab. Aleksandra researches the impact of loneliness on social cognition and the autonomous nervous system. She is a laureate of the Scholarship of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences and winner of the GSSR International Scholarship Award, GISA (NAWA STER). Aleksandra will conduct her NAWA GIMA research at the Department of Psychological Science, University of California, Irvine US.
Patrycja Romaniuk is a 1st year GSSR doctoral student in Sociology (IFiS PAN). She prepares a doctoral dissertation in sociology on governance of Natura 2000, under cotutelle with University of Strasbourg. Patrycja is a recipient of a NCN scholarship in the Biodiversa project „A socio-ecological evaluation of wetlands restoration and reintroduction programs in favor of the emblematic European pond turtle and associated biodiversity: a pan-European approach – EMYS-R”. Patrycja’s NAWA GIMA research visit will be at ENGEES – Ecole Nationale de Génie de l’Eau et d’Environnement, Strasbourg, France.