GSSR Summer School 2022
September 5-10, 2022, Smardzewice, Poland
From September 5 to 10, 2022, the Graduate School for Social Research, GSSR (, of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institutes of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS), Political Studies (IPS) and Psychology (IP), organizes this international event on Grant Writing as its practical theme and Vulnerability as its substantive theme.
We invite humanities and social science PhD students studying at GSSR and at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) outside of Poland, to apply for funding to participate in the GSSR Summer School 2022.
About the Summer School
The GSSR Summer School 2022 is designed for PhD students in Humanities and the Social Sciences to exchange knowledge, enhance their academic skills, and gain experience while forming social bonds with faculty and fellow students, which will benefit their academic and professional careers and personal lives. With the aim to provide best practices for, and address issues regarding doctoral research and careers after graduation, the practical theme of the GSSR Summer School 2022 is Grant Writing.
Grant Writing is the process of identifying, developing and submitting a proposal for funding (grant proposal) to public or private organizations operating in or outside academia. The result of successful grant writing is funding (i.e., the grant) awarded on competitive basis for achieving well-identified purposes. For doctoral students, winning a grant matters on many levels: it facilitates research, it conveys your strong level of scientific independence, thus enhancing your employability, and it brings recognition to the host institution, among others. The purpose of the GSSR Summer School 2022 is to strengthen your grant writing skills, taking into account disciplinary expectations for successful proposals.
Since 1992, GSSR’s specialty is to encourage, facilitate, and create interdisciplinary research. In keeping with this tradition, the Summer School 2022 features substantive lectures from faculty of our constituent institutes and prominent scholars from abroad on a most-timely theme – Vulnerability. In dictionaries of English, vulnerability is defined as “the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.” One crucial fact complements this definition: vulnerability is the inherent condition of human life. Speakers will engage with this theme from the point of view of philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology. The same multi-and interdisciplinary approach characterizes the other Summer School elements, that is, Small Groups, Roundtable Discussions and Presentations.
Structure of the GSSR Summer School 2022
To enhance students’ academic skills, international experience and social networks, the Summer School 2022 combines (1) the workshop method (small group discussions) with (2) lectures and round-tables, (3) student presentations and (4) social events. The prevailing means of training is the workshop method – together with faculty, PhD students will work in small groups to address problems of grant writing (all participants, irrespective of year of study), dissertation research (year 1-3 students), and labor market transition after PhD (year 4 students).
Eligibility requirements and Application process are available here.
Students from HEI abroad should submit the complete application package electronically to Małgorzata Szyszkowska, by Friday, July 22 2022 (16:00 CET). Applicants will be notified of the decision via email by August 8, 2022.
Funding and organizational support for the GSSR Summer School 2022
International PhD student funding comes from the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, NAWA (, “International Scholarship Exchange of PhD Candidates and Academic Staff,” PROM, project (PPI/PRO/2019/1/00043/U/00001).
The GSSR Summer School 2022 is partially funded by Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju (NCBiR, for the “Humanities and Social Sciences for Society and Enterprise” programme administered by the Graduate School for Social Research (POWR.03.02.00-IP.08-I019/17). Additional financial support comes from IFiS Foundation.
Organizational support for the Summer School 2022 comes from the GSSR Summer School Planning Commission that includes Ewa Domaradzka (IP PAN), Adrianna Zabrzewska (IFiS PAN) and Marcin Serafin (IFiS PAN), GSSR administration, IFiS PAN (, and CONSIRT of The Ohio State University and the Polish Academy of Sciences (