23/02/2022, – 2:30 pm
GSSR announces Seminar #15 in our New Projects Seminar Series addressed to both early career and established researchers.
On February 23, 13:00 – 14:30 (zoom), Jędrzej Brzeziński, PhD student (Year 4, Philosophy) at GSSR presents on “Deleuze and Hume’s Guillotine.” Professors Gregg Lambert (Syracuse University, US) and Michał Herer (University of Warsaw, Poland) provide comments, while Filip Brzeźniak, GSSR doctoral candidate in Philosophy, moderates the discussion.
The Seminar Series brings together PhD students and faculty from GSSR and beyond who are working in the same field, to promote closer interaction and open collaboration opportunities. GSSR students present well-advanced research related to their dissertation, with experienced scholars from academic centers in Poland and abroad taking the role of commentators.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82203477916?pwd=aHl1WmI2SURvU2xHOEpLMERkWiszQT09
Meeting ID: 822 0347 7916
Passcode: 305496
Event supported by NAWA Welcome to Poland.