Prof. Ghada Al Slik, Department of Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
July 10, 2024, 18:00
Room 268, Staszic Palace, Nowy Świat 72, Warsaw
Abstract: The prominence of Baghdad as the capital of Islamic empire ended with the Mongol invasion of 1258 and thereafter the city fell from one occupation to another. Following establishment of the modern state of Iraq in 1921, Baghdad once again became a capital, this time of a young and rapidly growing state of the 20th century. New streets and districts were planned outside the historical center, the first master plan was adopted in 1956 and the city witnessed implementation of major projects, many of which were designed by famous international architects. The growth continued after establishment of the Iraqi Republic in 1958, along the lines of new master plan developed by the Polish firm “Miastoprojekt-Kraków” in 1973. Yet, during the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s Baghdad went through numerous wars and security crises that continue to impact the city till this day. The lecture looks on how this turbulent history impacted the urban and architectural faces of Baghdad during the past seven decades. For more inforamtion see here.

Ghada Al Slik is a professor of architecture and former head of the Department of Architecture, College of engineering, University of Baghdad. She authored a book “City of stories” and numerous research articles on the city of Baghdad. Prof. Al Slik is a founder and chair of Iraq Docomomo International and founding member of the Makiya Foundation for the Development of Baghdad. Parallel to her academic work, prof. Al Slik has vast experience in advisory roles to different Iraqi public institutions, including National Investment Commission, Mayoralty of Baghdad, Ministries of Municipalities and Higher Education. In recognition to her service, she received the Tamayouz Women in Architecture and Construction Award in 2013. Email: