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Scholarships for GSSR and MethodsNET Course on Generalized Linear Models (GLM)

Quantitative Methods Course: Generalized Linear Models, GLM

March 20-24, 2023

Graduate School for Social Research, Warsaw, Poland

Call for Applications: International Travel Awards for PhD Students at Higher Education Institutions outside of Poland

From Monday, March 20, to Friday, March 24 2023, the Graduate School for Social Research, GSSR, of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institutes of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS), Political Studies (IPS) and Psychology (IP), organizes the methodological course General Linear Models, GLM. This course is offered within the Methods Excellence Network, MethodsNET.

We invite PhD students in the social sciences at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) outside of Poland to apply for funding for travel and accommodation to participate in the GLM course at GSSR. Travel scholarships to GSSR are made possible by the PROM program of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, NAWA.

At a glance…

Instructor:  dr. Michał Kotnarowski, IFiS and GSSR

Dates: Monday, March 20 – Friday, March 24, 2023

Location: Staszic Palace, Nowy Swiat 72, 00-330, Warsaw, Poland

Mode of participation:  In person (i.e. offline)

Language of instruction: English

Scholarships: Up to 12 scholarships

Course attendance fees: No Fees

Application deadline: Thursday, February 23, 2023

Notification of acceptance: March 7, 2023

Organizers can provide up to 12 Scholarships to PhD students to cover transportation costs to and from Poland to your country of residence (the scholarships covers insurance and travel expenses up to 5000 PLN for travel from outside Europe, and up to 3000 PLN for travel within Europe), accommodation and meals for the duration of the GSSR GLM course (successful applicants will be paid per diems for duration of the course up to 4840 PLN). Participation in the course is free of charge for any accepted student.

Course Instructor: Michał Kotnarowski is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, the Polish Academy of Sciences, a lecturer at GSSR, and the head of the European Social Survey (ESS) in Poland. Michał has extensive teaching experience in quantitative methods for the social sciences, including as instructor of the GLM course at the 2018-2020 Winter Schools organized by the European Consortium for Political Research, ECPR. His work on voting behavior, comparative politics and political methodology has been published in, among others, Party Politics, Electoral Studies, Communist and Post-Communist StudiesActa Politica, and the International Journal of Sociology.