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Ove Averin is a research assistant in the project ERC Consolidator Grant Project “From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470-c. 1620).” PI Valentina Lepri, IFiS PAN. Funding comes from the European Research Council (#864542). 

Paulina Bagrowska is working as a PhD Student in the SONATA BIS NCN grant „Mechanisms of paranoia: a role of interpersonal fear conditioning in the context of social rejection, cannabis consumption and genetic predisposition. A virtual reality study”, led by dr. hab. Łukasz Gawęda, prof. IP PAN, and a Research Assistant in the OPUS NCN grant „Relevance of epigenetic regulation of the FKBP5 gene in moderating the association between psychosocial stress and psychotic-like experiences – an Experience Sampling Method study” (2022-2023) led by prof. Błażej Misiak.

Hanna Gelner is working as a PhD student in the NCN OPUS grant „Rola epigenetycznej regulacji genu FKBP5 w moderacji związku pomiędzy stresem psychospołecznym a doświadczeniami podobnymi do  psychotycznych – badanie z wykorzystaniem metodologii próbkowania doświadczeń”, led by prof. Błażej Misiak.

Gniewomir Hawrasz is a research assistant tin the project ERC Consolidator Grant Project “From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470-c. 1620).” PI Valentina Lepri, IFiS PAN. Funding comes from the European Research Council (#864542). 

Agata Kozioł is working as a research assistant in the NCN grant “Decoupling of motor, visual and vocal activity in infancy during dyadic social interactions”, led by Prof. Przemysław Tomalski.

Zuzanna Laudańska is working as a research assistant in the NCN SONATA BIS grant “Decoupling of motor, visual and vocal activity in infancy during dyadic social interactions”, led by Prof. Przemysław Tomalski.

Olga Li is working as a graduate research assistant in the NCN OPUS grant “Structures and Futures: the Polish Panel Study POLPAN 1988-2023”, led by Prof. Irina Tomescu-Dubrow.

Aleksandra Piejka is a research assistant in the NCN OPUS grant “How does loneliness affect social information processing? From neural activity to physiological markers to everyday functioning.” led by Dr. hab. Łukasz Okruszek.

Hubert Plisiecki is a research assistant in the NCN OPUS grant “Institutionalization of political parties in the parliaments of Central Europe – data mining of parliamentary debates.” led by Dr. Agnieszka Kwiatkowska, SWPS.

Patrycja Romaniuk is working as a research assistant in the Biodiversa project “A socio-ecological evaluation of wetlands restoration and reintroduction programs in favor of the emblematic European pond turtle and associated biodiversity: a pan-European approach – EMYS-R” (NCN 2022). 

Marta Urbaniak is a research assistant in the NCN OPUS grant “Function of the early visual cortex in people blind from birth”, , led by Dr. Łukasz Bola.

Joanna Wąsowicz is a research assistant in the NCN OPUS grant “Rola sądów w nabywaniu i ekspresji postaw w warunkowaniu ewaluatywnym”, led by Dr hab. Robert Balas.

Marcelina Wiśniewska is a research assistant in the NCN OPUS grant “How does loneliness affect social information processing? From neural activity to physiological markers to everyday functioning.” led by Dr. hab. Łukasz Okruszek.