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Cultural Psychology and Cross-cultural Research Lab


Head: Prof. dr hab. Anna Kwiatkowska

Staff/Researchers:  dr hab. Joanna Mizielińska, dr hab. Piotr Szarota, dr hab. Kuba Kryś, dr Agata Stasińska

Research Themes:

  1. Psychology and Culture  (prof. dr hab. Anna Kwiatkowska, dr hab. Piotr Szarota)

Research areas: Psychology of acculturation; personal, social and cultural identity; pro-ecological attitudes; cultural models of love and dating; non-verbal communication; cultural patterns of emotional expression; social history.

Ongoing grant: 

  • The role of culture in perception and interpretation of smiles” (Kyoto University, Japan; lead: P. Szarota)
  1. Well-being and development of societies (dr hab. Kuba Kryś)

Research areas: Positive cross-cultural psychology; macropsychology, development of societies, well-being; emotions.

Ongoing grants:

  • OPUS – 2020/37/B/HS6/03142 – Bridging Psychology with Societal Development Science: Fifty Countries Research into Folk Theories of Societal Development (Lead: K. Kryś), 
  • SONATA BIS – 2020/38/E/HS6/00357 – Ideal Types of Well-Being – Over Fifty Countries Research Into Culturally Sensitive “National Accounts of Well-Being” (Lead: K. Kryś)
  1. Gender and queer studies (dr hab. Joanna Mizielińska, dr Agata Stasińska)

Research areas:  Cultural representations of gender, body and sexuality; new forms of family and intimate relationships; families of choice; new kinships and queer kinship; parenthood of LGBTIQ+ persons.