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Laboratory of Personality Psychology


Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences 1 Jaracza St. , 00-378 Warsaw

Head of the Laboratory: dr hab. Małgorzata Fajkowska, prof. IP PAN
Members of the Laboratory:
dr hab. Małgorzata Fajkowska, prof. IP PAN
dr hab. Krys Kaniasty, prof. IP PAN and Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
dr Ewa Domaradzka

The primary research conducted in the Laboratory of Personality Psychology is grounded in a model of personality coherence and incoherence. Other areas of research are focused on the status of traits in contemporary personality science, personality dynamics, attentional processing in temperament and affective types (anxiety and depression) and emotion regulation in youths and marital relationships. 

In addition, we are conducting a study on  social support exchanges in the context of stressful and traumatic life events at both individual (e.g., criminal victimization) and community (e.g., natural disasters) levels, studying determinants of psychological hardiness and resilience of individuals and communities facing a variety of crises, including extreme stress and cultural influences on helping behavior, social support, and coping with stress.

Potential supervisors:
Prof. Krys Kaniasty
Prof. Małgorzata Fajkowska