The profile of the Department includes research on European philosophy of the modern and contemporary epoch in Germany, England, the United States, France, Italy, Poland and Russia, including the reception of various currents of European thought in Poland. Issues in philosophy sensu stricto (metaphysics, practical philosophy, philosophy of religion, and epistemology) as well as in social thought that we cover include:
– History of philosophy and intellectual history in the early modern period, with emphasis on the reception of ancient philosophy by humanists and renaissance thinkers; the history of the Aristotelian tradition in the 16th and 17th centuries. Editing of modern philosophical texts
– History of ethical and political thought in Poland and Europe in the early modern period.
– Modern metaphysics (Descartes); French phenomenology; Polish philosophy of the 20th century
– History of Russian philosophy and social thought of the 19th and 20th centuries, Russian “religious-philosophical renaissance” and its links with Western thought
– Recent history of ideas – studies of the transformation of historiosophical concepts in the second half of the 20th century
– History and theory of German transcendentalism; Kantianism, neo-Kantianism, Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy
– Methodology of the humanities
– Contemporary American philosophy.
The Department hosts the journal ‘Archives of the History of Philosophy and Social Thought’ and maintains numerous international contacts with academic institutions from France, Italy, Hungary, Estonia, Brazil, USA, Germany, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It also conducts seminars on the history of philosophy.
Current grants
– V. Lepri: ERC Consolidator Grant, “From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470- c. 1620)”.
– J. Wolak: NCN Preludium 19: Idea Apocalyptica seu Apocalypsis Stanislai Orichovii, czyli eschatologiczno-polityczny apokryf przypisywany Stanisławowi Orzechowskiemu. Edycja, przekład, interpretacja.
– P. Parszutowicz: NPRH-Uniwersalia 2.2.: Polish translation of IV book of E. Cassirer, Zur Metaphysik der symbolischen Formen.
Persons interested in being supervisor/ co-supervisor
Prof. dr hab. Danilo Facca
Dr Katarzyna Kremplewska
Dr hab. Valentina Lepri
Dr hab. Sławomir Mazurek
Dr hab. Przemysław Parszutowicz
Dr hab. Wojciech Starzyński
Dr Jakub Wolak