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Research Group of Living Conditions and Social Foundations of Health*


(Professor Antonina Ostrowska)

Research focus is on the relationship between factors related to broadly understood social position and health, and health related behavior. These are studied from the perspective of both the individual and the social system. At the individual and group-level, of  particular interest are social determinants (e. g. sex, social class, quality of life, life styles), as well as consequences of poor health (sick roles, medical behavior, disability).  

The research also covers analysis of the health care system, especially its delivery and assessment by the public, and doctor-patient interactions. We treat structural factors as major determinants of individual and group behavior. From this viewpoint, observed patterns of health and disease are treated as particular manifestations of social structure, and medicine is regarded as a social institution reflecting the social relationships of the society.

The past achievements of the Group include the comprehensive comparative research on social aspects of disability in Poland carried out between 1993 and 2013. This resulted in multiple publications and expertise for social policy use.

*The “group” consists of one person only (employed part time). Due to the planned retirement, Prof Ostrowska is wrapping up her professional activities, rather than considering new obligations. However, she may be available as an occasional advisor.