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The Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge


The research ground of the Centre for the History of Renaissance Knowledge (CHRK, https://knowstudents.org/) is the history of knowledge in the Renaissance period, especially the studies of the processes of transformation of philosophical, political, religious and artistic doctrines and ideas according to the different cultural milieus in which they circulated at the time. 

The main goal of CHRK is to support a long-lasting collaboration among scholars, disseminate knowledge and Renaissance Studies (through the publication of books in Open Access, articles in reputable journals, as well as popularising research), and prepare the next generation of scholars by providing educational opportunities and financial and other support.

The Centre runs a variety of research projects, including: 

– ERC CoG ‘From East to West, and Back Again: Student Travel and Transcultural Knowledge Production in Renaissance Europe (c. 1470-c. 1620)‘, PI: Prof. Valentina Lepri [https://knowstudents.org/about/project/]; 

– ‘Poet, Physician, and Diplomat at the Court of the Radziwiłł family. Critical edition of Daniel Naborowski’s correspondence‘ within ‘National Programme for the Development of the Humanities’, PI: Dr. Alicja Bielak 


– ‘Teachings and cross-border mobility of students between early modern Italy and Poland-Lithuania: a history of knowledge perspective‘,  a joint Polish-Italian project. Polish PI: Prof. Valentina Lepri [https://knowstudents.org/projects/teachings-and-cross-border-mobility-of-students-between-early-modern-italy-and-poland-lithuania-a-history-of-knowledge-perspective/].

Other (former and future) projects are described on our website [https://knowstudents.org/study-centre/projects/].

Current members interested to serve as supervisor or co-supervisor to GSSR PhD students:

GSSR PhD student: Gniewomir Hawrasz

Contact: knowstudents@ifispan.edu.pl 

Website [https://knowstudents.org/

Social media:

Facebook [https://www.facebook.com/ERC.KnowStudents],
X [https://x.com/KnowStudents], 
YouTube [https://www.youtube.com/@ERC.KnowStudents].