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The Centre of Sociological Research (ORBS)


The Centre of Sociological Research (Polish abbreviation, ORBS) focuses on social science research methodology, with particular attention to instrument design, data collection, and data quality. We test research instruments (e.g., questionnaires) and carry out research at the fieldwork stage, thanks to a national network of interviewers prepared to administer large-scale, standardized surveys, as well as a nationwide network of collaborators who specialize in qualitative type of social research. 

ORBS has the capacity to use computer-assisted methods of data collection. In survey research, this includes computer-assisted personal interviews (CAPI) and web self-completion interviews (CAWI). In qualitative studies, this includes focus group interview (FGI), mini group (MG), DIADA/TRIADA, individual in-depth Interview (IDI), CONCEPT LAB, moderated internet forum, desk research and case studies.

ORBS is responsible for the fieldwork of important studies located at IFiS PAN (e.g. the European Social Survey, ESS, Poland, and the Polish Panel Survey, POLPAN), or other institutions. The Centre also conducts methodological research (e.g., constructing and using weights in surveys) and popularizes broadly understood methodological knowledge. 

Team members:

Dr Marcin Zieliński, mzielinski@ifispan.edu.pl
Dorota Laskowska