The Polish Center for Holocaust Research was established in 2003 as a section of IFiS PAN. It is the first, and so far the only, research institution in Poland dealing exclusively with Holocaust studies. The Polish Center for Holocaust Research is involved in a number of fields – academic, educational and publishing: mainly we conduct research using a wealth of resources and collections unique to Polish archives, coordinate interdisciplinary research projects and organize seminars led by top researchers. In our work we are trying to fill the gaps in knowledge about Holocaust, discovering new topics and scientific approaches, thus sometimes dealing with difficult problems in the context of common memory.
Our Center has a proven track-record of successful completion of large-scale projects – both research and publication. Results of our research have been published in book length studies. We also publish monographs, edited volumes, and unabridged source materials in cooperation with the best editors, reviewers, publishers and printing houses.
In addition, the Center supports scholarship programs and research workshops for students, in order to create and inspire a new generation of Holocaust scholars and academics. We also cooperate with educational NGO’s and other institutions in preparing educational materials for students and the general public. The Polish Center for Holocaust Research is also a partner of European Holocaust Research Infrastructure.
Team members:
prof. dr hab. Barbara Engelking
prof. dr hab. Jacek Leociak (emeritus),
prof. dr hab. Dariusz Libionka,
dr Agnieszka Haska,
dr Karolina Panz,
Jakub Petelewicz,
Dagmara Swałtek-Niewińska,
Marta Janczewska,
Alina Skibińska.
Consultant supervisor: dr Agnieszka Haska
Main ongoing projects:
- Wokół pomocy i ratowania Żydów na okupowanych ziemiach polskich – nowe ujęcia (Around helping and saving Jews in the occupied Polish lands – new perspectives, NCN OPUS 26, 2023/51/B/HS3/01885)
- Między pomocą a zagrożeniem. Ukrywanie się w Warszawie po „aryjskiej stronie” 1940-1945 – faza II. Rozwój i kontynuacja (Between help and danger. Hiding in Warsaw on the “Aryan side” 1940-1945 – phase II. Development and continuation, NCN 2019/35/B/HS3/02899)
Recent past project:
- Świadkowie Holokaustu – społeczeństwo polskie na terenach okupowanych wobec zagłady Żydów (1939-1945) (NCN 2017/27/B/HS3/02790)