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Comparative Analyses of Social Inequality (CASIN) Research Unit


CASIN is an international team of established and early career scholars who conduct comparative research (across time and countries) on social inequalities and the adaptation of individuals to social change. We are linked to the Cross-national studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Teaching (CONSIRT, https://consirt.osu.edu/) program of the Polish Academy of Sciences and The Ohio State University in the US. 


We use quantitative and qualitative methods to study causes and consequences of social inequalities – i.e., the unequal access to valued resources (e.g., income, wealth, political power), services (e.g., healthcare) and positions in society (social class and social status) – and of peoples’ adjustment to societal transformations.

In doing so, we analyze the roles of both macroeconomic and socio-political conditions, and of individual agency, via a varied palette of externally-funded research projects, such as:

In CASIN, we are also strongly involved in constructing databases for cross-national and longitudinal research. This includes collecting and managing new survey (ESS-Poland, POLPAN), and non-survey data (e.g., POLINQ), as well as harmonizing ex-post cross-national survey data (e.g., the SDR project, https://wp.asc.ohio-state.edu/dataharmonization/). 

For more information on selected CASIN projects, see here.

Current team members:

Professors (with habilitation): Joshua K. Dubrow, Krystyna Janicka, Kazimierz M. Słomczyński (Head of CASIN), Irina Tomescu-Dubrow

.Assistant Professors: Michał Kotnarowski, Melis Laebens, Marcin Ślarzyński, Dorota Woroniecka, Ilona Wysmułek, Danuta Życzyńska-Ciołek 

Post-doctoral scholars: Anna Radiukiewicz, Klaudia Wolniewicz-Słomka

PhD students: Xi Chen (GSSR), Piotr Drygas (University of Warsaw), Jacek Mazurczak (GSSR), Ewa Potępa (GSSR), Piotr Trzaskowski (GSSR), Ilami Yasna (GSSR), Aleksandra Wojtaszek (GSSR), Alan Żukowski (University of Wrocław) 

Technical staff: Dorota Laskowska (also ORBS), Przemek Powałko

CASIN members are open to serve as supervisors (persons with dr. hab. title) or support supervisors (with dr. title) to GSSR students