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Call for Applications: GSSR Summer School 2023

September 10 – 15, 2023
Location: Wierzba, Poland

GSSR organizes the roundtrip transportation Warsaw – Wierzba

Call for Applications for PhD Students at Higher Education Institutions outside of Poland

From September 10 to 15, 2023, the Graduate School for Social Research (GSSR) of the Polish Academy of Sciences’ Institutes of Philosophy and Sociology (IFiS), Political Studies (IPS) and Psychology (IP), organizes the international Summer School 2023 on “Dissertation Management” as its practical theme, and “Accountability” as its substantive theme.

Main themes of the GSSR Summer School 2023

Dissertation management can be defined as the planning, organization, and completion of the various tasks required to finish a doctoral dissertation. From idea to submission, dissertations are long and complex documents that require academic, organizational, and soft skills. Time and task management, goal setting, research, critical thinking, writing, problem-solving, interpersonal communication, and dealing with stress and change are all required. Summer School 2023 will discuss all of these issues to help equip students on their academic journey.

Since 1992, GSSR’s specialty is to encourage, facilitate, and create interdisciplinary research. In keeping with this tradition, the Summer School 2023 features substantive lectures from faculty of our constituent institutes and prominent scholars from abroad on a timely theme – Accountability. Accountability can be defined as being responsible for one’s actions, decisions, or performance, and being answerable to others for the outcomes or consequences of those actions. In personal, professional, or organizational contexts, accountability requires acknowledging and accepting responsibility for tasks and outcomes, and being transparent and willing to provide an explanation or justification for the results. Speakers will engage with this theme from the point of view of philosophy, political science, psychology, and sociology.

We invite humanities and social science PhD students studying at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) outside of Poland to apply for funding to participate in the GSSR Summer School 2023.

For more information see the Call for Applications.