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GSSR has a small library. The Library’s main goal is to provide reading materials for teaching and research. GSSR Library collections number about 11 thousand books, 60 journals, and many printed reference materials e.g. encyclopedias and dictionaries. The collection is developed in specific subject areas, e.g. Social Sciences, Methodology, East and Central Europe Studies, Political Studies, Media Studies, and Theory of Culture. Students have access to JSTOR, EBSCO, the online archives of Rzeczpospolita and Gazeta Wyborcza, and CBOS Public Opinion Research Centre Reports.

Contact: lidia.wojcicka@gssr.edu.pl

For access to the catalogue click here:

Contact the librarian: lidia.wojcicka@gssr.edu.pl

Please email the librarian, specifying in the subject row the title of the requested item.


In the body of the email, indicate:

  • Book request – data needed: author, title, edition or year of publication,
  • Book chapter/chapter in edited volume – data needed: author & title of the chapter, author/editors of the volume, title of the book/volume, edition or year of publication, 
  • Article request – data needed: author and title of the article, name of the journal, year and number of the issue.

Monday-Thursday: 11:00-17:00

Friday: Online only, 9:00-15:00


Room 335, 3rd floor of the Staszic Palace, Nowy Świat 72, Warsaw, Poland 




Searching the database is possible from any place but full access to the subscribed contents is available through the IFiS /GSSR network in the Institute premises at the Staszic building or through VPN, without password. About setting up remote access ask the librarian. 




Title lists | EBSCO  

Searching the EBSCO database is possible from any place but full access to the subscribed contents is available through the IFiS /GSSR network on the premises of the Staszic Palace or through VPN, without password. For login data to access from home contact the librarian. 



Gazeta Wyborcza

Wyborcza.pl – Najświeższe wiadomości od Gazety Wyborczej


Rzeczpospolita – Najważniejsze wiadomości z Polski i ze świata – rp.pl


Polityka.pl – serwis internetowy tygodnika Polityka


Contact the librarian for login data.

You can use the Interlibrary Loans (ILL) system to access materials in electronic and traditional form from other libraries than GSSR. Physical books and journals must be picked up and returned at the GSSR Library. 

Electronic materials are provided in PDF copies via email. 

For how to order ILL materials, see the section: How to order library materials.


  • 6,000 books on open shelves arranged according to subjects (DDC system),
  • 27 individual working desks, WiFi,
  • Scanner, Copier and Printer.

While using the reading room, Library users should not:

  • put the books back on the shelves — please deposit them at the Circulation Desk or the book cart;
  • bring food or drinks (except for bottled water) into the Library;
  • take out any materials from the Library without first checking them out at the Circulation Desk.

The Library is a quiet environment. Library patrons are asked to turn off the sound on their phones while in the reading room.

Rules of loan:

  • GSSR students and staff, and IFiS staff may borrow up to 10 items, for a loan period of 3 days (in the case of short loan items) and of 14 days (in the case of standard loan items); the loan period can be prolonged if the items are not requested by other users,
  • when users have overdue items, borrowing privileges can be suspended,
  • the replacement fee for a lost item depends on the cost of replacement according to the current market price.

Ma Theses

MA theses of students who participated in GSSR-based programs of the Central European University and Lancaster University from 1994 to 2020 are available in the GSSR Library. The theses are in PDF format, and can be read in the Reading Room.